Hell is Hungry! Is a competitive card game for 2-6 players that revolves around capturing souls for Hell.   The game is designed to be simple to learn and play.  Players interact with the game constantly, not waiting long periods of time for their turn.  Players battle against each other for control of souls using deception, brute force, and risk-taking.  The player who has collected the most souls at the end wins.


While Hell is Hungry! is in the playtest phase.  We will update this page with the Change Log, where our design changes are tracked.  We will also provide the most current rules of the game for free to be downloaded. We love feedback and have a special email setup here to receive playtest feedback; playtest@thedicestory.com


DiceStory wants to share our creativity with everyone.  Hell is Hungry! can be played with standard playing cards and access to our How-To-Play and Rules - current ruleset.  To play from home without purchasing the game, you will need:


  1. A minimum of three decks, yes, we mean 3, of standard playing cards(1 additional deck per additional player); we recommend three decks that have different colors or artwork from each other.
  2. Tokens to represent individual players
  3. A Copy of our rules
  4. A watch of our How-To-Play video


Once Hell is Hungry! is released, we will offer the official version of the game with the fancy artwork, play-mat, calamity deck(which provides additional play modes), and cool box.  We hope to develop a few extra goodies for our fans who buy the full game and digital benefits and we will make those announcements here and on social media. 


Below is our development schedule.  These dates are subject to change.  Lets be real, they will most likely but this is what we as a team are shooting for.


  1. October 1st, 2023 - Final rules published: Version 1.0 announced
  2. October 31st, 2023 - Artwork enters final revision stage
  3. November 1st,  2023 - Kickstarter announcement and Pre-order Launch
  4. December 21st, 2023 - Live Play Event "Christmas in Hell" celebration of launch announcement
  5. January 31st, 2024 - Shipping Date announced for final release

Decide if you die or they die!


Working through magical items for Noggin's Adventure Gear, we're knee-deep in the iterative design of progressively beneficial magic items. These progressive bonuses are like a paper bag stuffed with design pitfalls, mainly because these items evolve with the player, and predicting the endless combos of player choices is like trying to guess what your cat will do next – pretty much impossible. So, let's set the scene: I aimed to craft items that hand the reins over to the players. Passive perks or Active Abilities for magical items? Great stuff. But, they didn't quite scratch my itch to weave mechanically incentivized roleplaying into the fabric of these items. I needed a fresh angle to bake a 'risk and reward' decision into each item like a sneaky chocolate chip in a cookie.


Now, if players hit the jackpot, their item will boast more than just a passive perk, like a stat boost or extra damage. It might have a spell or a minor ability that they can fire up a certain number of times. Sure, there are items out there with a simple, binary decision-making process. But their decision tree lacks the zing of risk or reward – it's all about timing. Is now the moment to unleash your item's power? If yes, then whoosh, off we go into magical item extravaganza. If not, well, your magical item just keeps gathering fantasy dust in the back of your mind, living there rent-free.


I wanted to add a dash of risk and reward to these items. I'm not the first to tread this path, but I aimed to weave a more nuanced decision tree into the mix. Let's dive into my mutated mechanical creations with the excitement of a six-year-old on Christmas morning. The two mechanics I cooked up are “Sacrifice for Power” and “Recharge through Roleplay.” This post will dissect “Sacrifice for Power,” and in a future one, I'll spill the beans on “Recharge through Roleplay.”


“Sacrifice for Power” is a nail-biter, a table-gasping mechanic allowing players to chop off a chunk of their hit points to activate their item's superpower. These items come with a twisted passive perk, offering the wielder extra oomph. The juicy mechanical drama injection is the active ability, gobbling up a hefty slice of your current or max hit points in exchange for some game-changing powers. I wanted this to be a manic inducing encounter altering decision when used. Choosing to skate on the edge of doom isn't a walk in the park, but that's the price for unlocking this power at your fingertips. And hey, it injects drama into any encounter, at no extra charge for the Game Master.


Here’s a teaser item to whet your appetite, and it also gives you a sneak peek of my next blog post about “Recharge with Roleplay.” So, while checking out this item, enjoy the preview!


I hope your fireballs land in small rooms with many enemies,




Quiver of Endless Hun

Noggins Adventure


Hell is Hungry!

Saedaxi's Stolen Tomes